Educational Administration System and Electronic Contact Book LaosEdu
LaosEdu was built with the aim of focused management through utility to solve the problem of coordinating paperwork system in Schools, Teachers, students management. Combined with SMS network operator solution.
Manage all of the basic school configurations in terms of organizational structure, school year setting, declare the subject for class and configure transcripts for subjects, allowing import the list of available files in xlxs format.
Manage teacher's curriculum vitae, work schedule and other information of students in the class as well as the evaluating teachers.
Student, Student parent
Manage curriculum vitae, degrees, awards, disciplines, transcripts ... View study and exam schedules. Receive electronic contact book information from school on the system, via SMS.
Focused management can solve the problem of School's system
Manage all of the basic school configurations in terms of organizational structure, school year setting, declare the subject for class and configure transcripts for subjects.
General management of teachers and students' records. Teacher rating assessment as well as student conduct and grading.
Manage E-learning, Online exam such as courses, classrooms, exam frames, list of questions, ... Electronic contact book and Official dispatch, documents of the school.
Manage and update teachers' information
Manage Personal profile, Teaching assignments, Assignment of supervision, Dispatch, document system
Manage records, scores and evaluate students in the class in-charge
Evaluate teacher ratings according to the sample form, the Principal manages and approves the teacher /staff rating assessment under management.
The solution becomes comprehensive with the Educational Administration System and Electronic Contact Book.
View student resumes: Background, qualifications, awards, discipline, transcripts, school absences, exemptions...
View class and exam schedules.
Receive Electronic Contact Book Information (class schedule notification, exam schedule, discipline, transcripts, …) from the Schools on the system and via SMS.
Learning and Online exam management
Manage the list of courses/ classrooms, design teachers' lectures
Manage the exam frames, exam questions and question warehousing
Manage exams, organize exams, supervise and manage online exams
Products of Educational Administration System and Electronic Contact Book – LaosEdu was built with the aim of focused management through utility to solve the problem of coordinating paperwork system in Schools, Teachers, students management. Combined with SMS network operator solution - Brand name to provide information on updates/ notifications from Schools, students' scores through each exam.