LaosEdu Privacy Policy
Learn more about how LaosEdu collects and uses data and your rights as a LaosEdu user.
Updated November 11, 2022
Please read the Use Agreement carefully before you proceed to download, install, use all or any part of LaosEdu or use the services provided by MIGI Technology Solution Company Limited (MIGI).
You approve and agree to be bound by the regulations and conditions in this Agreement when performing the above operations. In case, you disagree with any of our terms of use (this version and the updated versions), please do not download, install, use the Application or remove the Application from your mobile device.
This agreement can be updated regularly by LaosEdu, the updated version will be replaced the regulations and conditions in the original agreement.
1. Application ownership
This Application is developed and owned by MIGI Technology Solution Company Limited (MIGI). All intellectual property rights related to the Application (Including but unlimited source code, image, data, information, content contained in the application; modifications, additions, updates of the Application) and related documentation (if any) shall be solely owned by MIGI and non-individuals or organizations are allowed to copy, regenerate, distribute, or other forms of infringing upon the rights of the owner without the written consent and permission of MIGI.
2. Account
In order to use LaosEdu, you need to be granted an account through the school from us, you are committed to that the use of the account must comply with the regulations of the school and LaosEdu, also all the information you provide to us is true, accurate, complete full with at requested time.
3. Usage rights
You have the right to use LaosEdu and other services we provide; however, it will not include the following acts without the written consent of LaosEdu.
  • Copy, modify, reproduce, create new products or derivative versions on the basis of this Application;
  • Sell, transfer, sublicense, disclose or other forms of transfer or give a part or all of the Application to any third party;
  • Use the Application to provide services to any third party (organization, individual);
  • Move, delete, change any legitimate notices or signs of the Application (including but not limited to copyright statements);
  • Use the Application to perform any actions that are harmful to the network security system of LaosEdu/ MIGI/ Star Telecom, including but not limited to use of data or access to the system server unauthorized account; access to the network system to remove, edit and add information; spreading malicious programs, virus or perform any other actions to harm or destroy the network;
  • Log in and use the Application with a compatible third-party software or the system is not developed, authorized or approved by MIGI;
  • Use, sell, lend, copy, modify, connect to, translate, publish, publish information related to the Application, build a mirror website to publish this information or to develop derivative products, jobs or services;
  • Use the Application to post, transfer, transmit or store information that that violates the law, violates the fine customs of the Nation;
  • Use the Application to use, post, transfer, transmit or store any content that infringes the intellectual property rights, business secrets or legal rights of third parties;
  • Using applications or other services provided by MIGI in any form of law violations, for any illegal purpose;
  • Other forms of violations.
4. Handling of violations
In case you violate any provisions in this agreement, MIGI/ Star Telecom and School have the right to immediately lock your account/ or delete all information and content of violations, depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation you will be responsible to the competent authority, MIGI/ Star Telecom and the third-party for any damages caused by or comes from your violation.
5. Fee and revenues
In order to maintain and develop the system, LaosEdu will collect user charges, the fee will be based on the consensus between School and MIGI/ Star Telecom.
*We always welcome comments, contact and feedback from customers about this “User Policy”. If customers have any related questions, please feel free to contact the address:


Address: Trang An Complex, no.1 Phung Chi Kien Street, Nghia Do Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Hotline: + 84 9 6666 8643
1. Purpose of collecting personal information
In order to register to use LaosEdu software, MIGI Technology Solution Co., Ltd. (MIGI) may ask customers to provide personal information (school name, address, number of students, school website/ Facebook, contact name, email, phone...). All declared information must be accurate and legal. MIGI is not responsible in relation to the law of the declared information.
We can also collect information about the number of visits, including the number of pages that customers view, the number of links (links) you clicked and the information related to the connection to the website of LaosEdu software. We also collect the information that web browser (browser) customers use when accessing LaosEdu software including: IP address, browser type, language used, time and addresses that the browser accesses.
2. Use personal information
MIGI collects and uses customers' personal information for appropriate purposes and fully complies with the content of this “privacy policy”. When necessary, the company can use this information to contact customers directly, such as: sending emails, order notifications, thank you letters, notifications about updates, etc.
3. Share personal information
Except for the cases of use of personal information as stated in this policy, we are committed to not disclosing the personal information of customers to the outside.
We may disclose or provide personal information of customers in cases of absolute necessity as follows: (a) at the law enforcement requests; (b) In the case that it may help us protect our legitimate rights before the law; (c) emergency and necessary situations to protect the personal safety rights of other members.
4. Personal information access
At any time, customers can access and edit their personal information according to the appropriate links provided by MIGI.
5. Personal information security
MIGI is committed to protecting customers' personal information in any possible ways. We will use a variety of information security technologies to protect this information is not unintentionally retrieved, used, or disclosed.
LaosEdu Application, we need a photo of a student's face to serve the attendance of students with School and Parents. All images are stored on the LaosEdu system and we are committed to not sharing these photos with any third parties.
MIGI recommends that customers keep the information related to your retrieved password confidential and should not share it with anyone else. If using a computer with many people, customers should log out, or exit all the opening websites.
MIGI regularly updates our processes and systems to comply with the regulations related to the operation of the Company under the Law on Child Protection of Vietnam 102/2016/QH13 issued by the National Assembly on May 4th 2016, Law on Information Technology and Communications 67/2006/QH11 issued on June 29, 2006 and the Law on Cyber Security 24/2018/QH14 issued on June 12, 2018, ISO 27001: 2013 and ISO 9001: 2015.
6. Policy changes
The content of this "privacy policy" may change to comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law, MIGI's needs as well as the needs and feedback from customers if any.
*We always welcome comments, contact and feedback from customers about this “User Policy”. If customers have any related questions, please feel free to contact the address:


Address: Trang An Complex, no.1 Phung Chi Kien Street, Nghia Do Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Hotline: + 84 9 6666 8643
When purchasing software products of LaosEdu company, customers are warranted for a lifetime and free.
The company conducts the warranty when:
  • Customers reinstall the operating system on computers or phones, the software was removed, the company will send a support staff;
  • The software is faulty or not integrated with computers and phones;
  • Have a new update of the product to upgrade and add features or patches of the old version.
Note: The company will not be responsible for warranty if the customer uses cracked software or resold by others.
*We always welcome comments, contact and feedback from customers about this “User Policy”. If customers have any related questions, please feel free to contact the address:


Address: Trang An Complex, no.1 Phung Chi Kien Street, Nghia Do Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Hotline: + 84 9 6666 8643
Products of Educational Administration System and Electronic Contact Book – LaosEdu was built with the aim of focused management through utility to solve the problem of coordinating paperwork system in Schools, Teachers, students management. Combined with SMS network operator solution - Brand name to provide information on updates/ notifications from Schools, students' scores through each exam.